OtherWise Christian: A Guidebook for Transgender Liberation

OtherWise Christian - Kindle Cover (1)

OtherWise Christian: A Guidebook for Transgender Liberation reviews 25 years of transgender-affirming biblical scholarship. Mx. Chris Paige argues that the Bible shows us story after story of OtherWise-gendered people being used by God to further the kingdom. Yet, we have been bamboozled by a restrictive gender ideology that is aligned with empire, white supremacy and Christian supremacy. Jesus and our biblical ancestors invite us to join a gender-full resistance!

Scholarly, yet accessible, OtherWise Christian takes the Bible seriously, while presenting new vocabulary to connect modern transgender (and intersex) identities with gender non-conforming themes in the Christian Bible. The result is a bold and unapologetic interpretation of Christian tradition that will have you re-reading familiar bible passages with new clarity.

Preview the book that launched a movement!

Published by OtherWise Engaged Publishing. In addition to book publishing, we also offer online education through the OtherWise Academy, where we will continue to explore related content. You can support these efforts by becoming a part of the OtherWise Learning Community, while also gaining access to members-only conversations, special events, and resources.